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Discover Your Storyhaven
Using storytelling to lead better lives

The power of writing

Tell your story

What stories are you telling in your life?

The power of writing

Laura Hope Goldstone
Oct 11, 202413 min read
Don't Let Ease Diminish Discernment: Beware The Perils of Heavy GenAI Reliance
Don't Let Ease Diminish Discernment: Beware The Perils of Heavy GenAI Reliance

Laura Hope Goldstone
Oct 7, 20249 min read
Marketing Lessons to Improve Your Change Management Efforts: Where Marketing and L&D Overlap
To improve your change management efforts, consider these overlapping elements between marketing and L&D to best serve your audience.

Laura Hope Goldstone
Oct 4, 202411 min read
Beware Goodhart's Law: Make Your Metrics Work For You
Beware Goodhart's Law. Use the right metrics in the right ways to measure success more holistically, openly, regularly, and effectively.

Laura Hope Goldstone
Sep 27, 20248 min read
The Mindful Leader: How Mindfulness Enhances Our Presence at Work
Mindfulness makes us more strategic, intentional, calm, clear, and decisive leaders, communicators, and collaborators. Here's how.

Laura Hope Goldstone
Sep 9, 20243 min read
The Power of Reading on World Literacy Day
On this World Literacy Day, let's reflect on the power of reading. Reading is a journey, an opportunity, an adventure, a risk, and a refuge.

Laura Hope Goldstone
Aug 19, 20249 min read
Diversity of Thought at Work: Roadblocks, Why It Matters, and Tips & Tricks to Encourage More of It
Let's explore diversity of thought at work: issues with it, why it's so powerful, and tips & tricks to help leaders encourage more of it.

Laura Hope Goldstone
Jul 7, 20246 min read
The Importance of Learning at Work
Let's talk about the importance of learning at work: what it is, who owns it, what it looks like, and how to improve opportunities to learn.

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