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Content Review

Visit this page to read analyses of books, articles, excerpts, presentations, designs, or anything that tells a story.

Woman Typing

The Girl He Used to Know by Tracey Garvis Graves

Sometimes you read a book and you sigh with contentment, then go about your day without looking back. The book resumes its place on your bookshelf, the days pass, and life goes on. But other times you finish a book in tears and ask your husband for a hug, then the next day you pace around the room on the phone with your mom discussing your favorite parts, then the following day you recommend the book to your best friend along with a list of reasons justifying its readability, and then the week afterward you make a list of ways you want to change your life for the better, inspired by the story you can’t stop thinking about. If you are seeking that second journey, as all avid readers do, read The Girl He Used To Know.

Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die by Chip & Dan Heath

How do we make our ideas resonate, especially for the long-term, or to spur action? Marketers wrestle with this conundrum on a daily basis and if they are successful in their careers, they must have found something that works for their particular strategies, audiences, resources, and goals. But how do you teach others a framework that could transcend those conditions? Is there any combination of elements that will yield a “sticky” idea more often than not? Made to Stick is broken out into six concepts that, when integrated harmoniously, yield “sticky” ideas.

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This review is coming soon. I wonder if it'll be a speech, a design, a book, or an article?

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