It's NaNoWriMo once again! Over the last few years I have taken part in NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month, a program where authors commit to writing 50,000 words over the 30 days of November, aiming to finish a novel by the end of the month.
Anyone can write a book at any time. Anyone can write anything at any time, for any reason. And they should: Writing is freeing and connecting - it can be personal and private, or it can be a common thread that brings people together. It's whatever you make it. And it's nearly always cathartic. Constructive. Empowering.
But NaNoWriMo changes the game. Every year, tens of thousands of writers buckle down and commit to finally doing that thing they said they'd do all year - write the book they're meant to write, bring out the story that is inside them.
NaNoWriMo is so powerful for several reasons -
1) It has a name. That already makes it feel more concrete than the idea of writing. A name gives it shape and characterizes it like an old friend.
2) You have a goal. You're given a 50,000 word count for the month, which amounts to a 1,667-word average per day. It's indisputable - either you do it or you don't. But honestly, you don't even have to hit these numbers as long as you're logging more than 0 words each day. Quantifiable metrics aside, your real goal is to find time during each day to commit to your craft. The point is to write. Something is better than nothing; any progress translates to success. (And it's satisfying to see your progress meter grow each time you log your work on the website!)
3) There's a community. Published authors provide inspirational quotes and stories of their unique experiences. Writers share their stories, progress, challenges, and successes with each other online. Some local chapters hold events, both in person and virtual, to encourage writing and all that goes into it - from quiet writing sessions to discussion circles to yoga breaks. Even though your story is your own, we're all in this together. We can do it.
Motivated by the structure and community, I started and finished a full-length manuscript in 2020 and again in 2021. I aim to do the same again this year. In fact, my goals are a bit loftier this time, as I aim to finish two books I've already started - a work of fiction that has about 20k words and a nonfiction book that is outlined and has two chapters written plus tons of notes logged.
You can choose HOW you want to proceed. You can outline, plan, and draft, or you can jump right in. You can start a brand new story on November 1, or you can edit something that's already drafted. While "novel" is in the title, you don't have to limit yourself to a full-length work of fiction--choose any style or genre as long as you're writing. And you can self-edit as you go if you really want to, but sometimes it's best not to stop the ideas from flowing. Either way, the idea is just to sit down and write.
The most fulfilling times for me have been chunks of the evening where I retreat to my office and write straight through - no interruptions, no self-editing, no second-guessing, no outlining - just writing. Inspiration strikes at different times of day, and some days the ideas flow more easily than others. Some days I change my mind about the next few steps, while other days I forget how old my characters are or where I was going with a particular plotline. But I don't let that stop me. I just write.
There's something satisfying about moving forward without worrying about where you're going or where you've been.
Maybe there's a lesson there beyond the page.
Maybe that's part of the point.
Merely thinking that way, reflecting on my writing, and feeling compelled to act, to do something I keep meaning to do but haven't made time for, is empowering. And sometimes that makes all the difference.
If you have a goal, the hardest part often is getting started. Luckily, writers have the motivation of NaNoWriMo every year to push us to act, to move forward and do SOMETHING that takes us one step closer toward achieving our goal. If you're a writer, I'd love to hear what's working for you and what you're working on for NaNoWriMo 2022. If you have a different goal, how do you get started? How do you keep going?
